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What is the Anchor Section?

The Anchor Section is the youngest section in the BB and is for children aged between 5 and 8.

What do they do?

The Anchor Section has lots of fun doing different activities which include making things, crafts, music, games, sports, stories, going on visits, making friends, and working towards their badges.

All of this is done as part of a balanced programme that is separated into 5 different zones . . .

  • Body - fit for fun
  • Mind - think and do
  • Spirit - God and me
  • Community - me and my world
  • Creativity - make and do

Everything a child in the Anchor Section does helps them to develop and to think for themselves, in a safe environment.

What else do I need to know?

The Anchor Section has a special uniform that they can wear. As everyone wears the same thing they feel as though they belong. However nobody is excluded because they do not have the right clothes.

How long do they meet for?

The weekly section meeting would usually run for 1-1½ hours and be finished by 7.30pm.

Why the Anchor Section?

Children of this age are developing rapidly. There are big changes in a child's mental, emotional, social and physical development. However, all children are different and have a variety of needs. The relationships formed with children at this age can be important in assisting them to achieve a sound sense of personal and group identity. The programme will provide a wide variety of different activities including:

  • Learning new skills: the dexterity required for arts and crafts, following simple instructions for games and activities
  • Developing confidence: given opportunities to do things for themselves, praise for good behaviour, taking part in simple role-play, mime and drama
  • Developing physical skills: co-ordination games, hopping, skipping and balancing games
  • Developing independence: being given simple choices of activities, short trips and visits
  • Developing a group identity: belonging to a group, going on trips as a group, taking part in group activities
  • Developing an awareness of the needs of others: learning to share and co-operate
  • Developing a personal identity: learning about how we are all different, looking at the different needs and interest of others

And most importantly . . .opportunities for fun and enjoyment!

National Boys' Brigade

Nottingham School Holidays 2013/14