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Articles from the Press in 2010 about Nottingham Battalion

Tickets on sale fro pantomine - 29th December 2010

Boys' Brigade members compete at table tennis - 9th December 2010

Remembering Beeston's war hero Stewart Hetley Pearson - 3rd December 2010

Daycourt School pupil makes Remembrance Day history - 1st December 2010

Reunion marks 40 years - 8th November 2010

Recognised for long service within the Boys' Brigade - 7th October 2010

From back-to-back to leafy village, but how and why? - 22nd September 2010

Relaunch for Boys' Brigade group - 18th September 2010

Post Comment: Boys' bRigade marching into St Ann's - 11th September 2010

New Boys' Brigade Group - 11th September 2010

New Boys' Brigade group aims to give young people direction - 11th September 2010

Music and marching are my life - 7th August 2010

Nottingham Boys' brigade members came 4th in competition - 21st July 2010

Stallholders needed for table top sale - 19th June 2010

Boys' Brigade leader was involved with the movement for more than 60 years - 18th June 2010

Ceremony marks refurbishment of Beeston bandstand - 16th June 2010

Four Nottingham Boys' Brigade members get highest award of Queen's Badge - 2nd June 2010

Annual pool and snooker event for Boys' Brigade - 3rd May 2010

Boys' Brigade volunteer nominated for Reach Out award - 29th April 2010

Boys' Brigade compete in indoor hockey - 9th April 2010

Help St Ann's based charity turn waste into art- 19th February 2010

Help St Ann's based charity turn waste into art- 19th February 2010

'Gingerism' film wins award for Boys' Brigade members - 14th January 2010

National Boys' Brigade

Nottingham School Holidays 2013/14